How to manage an Agent Chat request

When another agency contacts us via the “Agent Chat” tool, replying is quick and easy. Let’s see how to do it.

1. You will find a notification in the Dashboard warning you about the Agent Chat request. Click on the notification.

You will find a notification in the Dashboard warning you about the Agent Chat request. Click on the notification.

2. You can reply directly from this window. Just write the answer and click on Reply

You can reply directly from this window. Just write the answer and click on Reply

3. You can also process the request from the Agent Chat section.

You can also process the request from the Agent Chat section.

4. Click on the Agent Chat request, write the answer and then click on Reply.

Click on the Agent Chat request, write the answer and then click on Reply.

5. When you consider the conversation is over you can Close it.

When you consider the conversation is over you can Close it.

6. If you go now to the Property you can find now a tab called Agent Chat that will contain all the Agent Chat conversations about this property.

If you go now to the Property you can find now a tab called Agent Chat that will contain all the Agent Chat conversations about this property.