How to create an email template

Administrators can create email templates for the Agency in order to save time when sending an email. Let’s see how to create templates following these steps!

A. Click on Settings

Click on  Settings

B. Click on Agency settings

Click on Agency settings

C. Click on Templates Tab

Click on Templates Tab

D. Click on Add template

Click on  Add template

E. Write the text of the email template

Write the text of the email template

F. Write the name of the email template

Write the name of the email template

G. Use the Keywords to get contact details from the contact file

Use the Keywords to get contact details from the contact file

H. This is the way to use the Keywords in your template

This is the way to use the Keywords in your template

I. Click on Save

Click on Save

J. Now, when you write an email from the CRM

Now, when you write an email from the CRM

K. Finally, click on Templates selector and use the proper template.

Finally, click on Templates selector and use the proper template.