How to improve visibility: The Review Date
When you make a search in the MLS Network the system offers the results with some filters applied by default. One of those is the Review Date filter, that shows by default the properties that have been reviewed during the last year. So if you have shared a property in the MLS Network and you want it to have the best visibility, you will need to keep it as up to date as possible. Let’s see how to update the Review Date of a property.
1. When you make a search in the MLS Network the “Reviewed” field is by default set as < 1 Year.
2. When sharing one of your listings, make sure it is well up to date checking the date of review.
3. To update the Review Date, after contacting the vendor to check if any change is needed, click on Edit
4. Make the changes requested by the vendor if there’s any and then in the Revision field update the date.
5. Click on Save
6. Review Date is now up to date and the listing has improved its visibility in the MLS Network.