How to generate Source and Requirements reports from contacts

One of the preset reports you can generate in the system is the Source & Requirements report. You can obtain it from the Contacts section and it combines information on the provenance of a contact and the request he/she has made. Let’s see how to get this report.

A. Go to the Contacts section and use filters to get the desired list of contacts.

Go to the Contacts section and use filters to get the desired list of contacts.

B. When you have the list, click on the Report button.

When you have the list, click on the Report button.

C. In the popping-up window click on Source and requirements option.

In the popping-up window click on Source and requirements option.

D. Write the name you want to give to the report.

Write the name you want to give to the report.

E. Select the language of the report.

Select the language of the report.

F. Select the Export format.

Select the Export format.

G. Click on Generate

Click on Generate

H. When the report is ready go to Management > Reports and click on the report.

When the report is ready go to Management > Reports and click on the report.

I. The report will open.

The report will open.

J. From here you can Delete it, Email it or Download it.

From here you can Delete it, Email it or Download it.