How to add a New Development

In the Developments section you have to enter the showcase of the residential complex. This is a generic overview of the development that explains its general characteristics, the types of units it includes and its price range. Let’s see how to include a New Development in our CRM.

A. In the Developments section click on New

In the Developments section click on New

B. You can write your own Reference or just leave it blank and the system will provide a reference. Then, type the name of the Development.

You can write your own Reference or just leave it blank and the system will provide a reference. Then, type the name of the Development.

C. Click on Select to add the Location

Click on  Select to add the Location

D. Search and select the location and click on Save

Search and select the location and click on Save

E. Define the price range with the fields Price From and Price To

Define the price range with the fields Price From and Price To

F. Open the Property Types selector to add the types of units included in the Development. Then click on Save

Open the Property Types selector to add the types of units included in the Development. Then click on Save

G. Check the Features of the Development and then click on Save.

Check the Features of the Development and then click on Save.

H. Click on New description.

Click on  New description.

I. Select the language of the description.

Select the language of the description.

J. Type the Short Description

Type the Short Description

K. Type the Main Description

Type the Main Description

L. Click on Save

Click on Save

M. When saved new tabs will show up to complete the Development file.

When saved new tabs will show up to complete the Development file.

N. In the Images tab click on Upload images

In the Images tab click on  Upload images

Ñ. Drag and drop the images or browse your computer to upload them.

Drag and drop the images or browse your computer to upload them.

O. Drag the images to set them in your preferred order.

Drag the images to set them in your preferred order.

P. The images are now uploaded and sorted out, but they are not published. To publish them open the Wheel menu and select them all.

The images are now uploaded and sorted out, but they are not published. To publish them open the Wheel menu and select them all.

Q. Then open again the Wheel menu and select the option Publish.

Then open again the Wheel menu and select the option Publish.

R. Confirm it by clicking on YES

Confirm it by clicking on YES

S. When the World icon is blue the image is published. Now select the Main image clicking on the Star icon.

When the World icon is blue the image is published. Now select the Main image clicking on the Star icon.

T. Click on Save

Click on Save

U. Complete and Save the rest of the information you have for the Private tab.

Complete and Save the information you have in the Private tab.

V. In the Attachment tabs click on Add to upload documentation related to the Development.

Click on Add to upload documentation related to the Development.

W. Drag and drop the files or browse your computer to upload them.

Drag and drop the files or browse your computer to upload them.

X. Attachments are now uploaded but are not published. If you want to publish them click on each one.

Attachments are now uploaded but are not published. If you want to publish them click on each one.

Y. Here, edit the name if needed, select the type of attachment and choose its language. Finally tick Publish and Save.

Here, edit the name if needed, select the type of attachment and choose its language. Finally tick Publish and Save.

Z. If you have documents, videos or virtual tour hosted in another platform, you can upload them in the Links or the HTML tabs.

If you have documents, videos or virtual tour hosted in another platform, you can upload them in the Links or the HTML tabs.

A. To do it just click on Add

Just click on Add

B. In the Url field paste the shareable link provided by the external platform, complete the other fields and Save.

In the Url field paste the shareable link provided by the external platform, complete the other fields and Save.

C. Finally, decide if you want to set the status of the Development as Online or Offline.

Finally, decide if you want to set the status of the  Development as Online or Offline.